Owyhee Site
Location: | Elko County, NV, near the McCleary Wells, southern Owyhee Desert |
Land Management Agency: | Bureau of Land Management Elko Field Office |
SageSTEP Site Manager: | Maggie Gray |
Plots: | Four 200-acre core plots (Control, Burn, Mechanical, Herbicide) |
Elevation: | 5300-5400 ft |
Topography: | 0-10% slopes of all aspects |
Common Vegetation: | Wyoming big sagebrush, viscid rabbitbrush, Sandberg bluegrass, squirreltail, Indian ricegrass, bluebunch wheatgrass, basin wildrye, and cheatgrass |
Soils: | Fine-silty to fine-loamy, mixed, mesic |
Fire Regime: | Historically, several decades. Many of these communities experienced an increased fire return interval with settlement and overgrazing. Cheatgrass invasion can cause larger fires and reduce this interval to 10 years or less. |
Representative Land Base: | Several million acres in western and central Utah, southern Idaho, northern Nevada, and eastern Oregon |
Grazing: | Plots are located on an active grazing allotment, and will be fenced for the duration of the study to exclude livestock. |
Treatments Implemented: | Fall 2008. For more information about treatments, click here. |
Wildfire Activity: | All Owyhee plots burned completely in July 2018, but site will continue to be monitored for wildfire effects. |
Updated 2009

© Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project (SageSTEP)
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