Repeat Photos

Field crews have taken photos of subplots at SageSTEP study sites for multiple years. Photo series below include selections from each region and vegetation treatment done as part of this research. Click on links below to see vegetation response to treatments over time.

Site Name: Onaqui Cheat

Treatment Used: Control

Year: 2006

Year: 2006
Year: 2007
Year: 2008
Year: 2009
Year: 2010
Year: 2012
Year: 2016


Lisa Ellsworth
Project Co-coordinator
Dept. Fisheries & Wildlife
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR  97331
(541) 737-0008

Beth Newingham
Project Co-coordinator
GB Rangelands Research
USDA Ag. Res. Service
Reno, NV  89512
(775) 784-6057 ext. 233

© Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project (SageSTEP)
Site Designed by Kite Media