Post Treatment Fuels Guide
Guide for Quantifying Post-treatment Fuels in the Sagebrush Steppe and Juniper Woodlands of the Great Basin
Basin are often required to implement vegetation treatments to maintain habitat, reduce fire risk and restore landscapes to a more desirable state. Often it is difficult to measure treatment effectiveness because gathering pre- and post-treatment data is time-consuming and costly. The Guide for Quantifying Post-treatment Fuels in the Sagebrush Steppe and Juniper Woodlands of the Great Basin (BLM Technical Note 437) assimilates post-treatment vegetation and fuels data from Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project (SageSTEP) study sites across six Great Basin states into an assessment tool that can help managers better estimate percent cover, stem density and fuel loadings for post-treatment sites.
The post-treatment Guide uses photographs and tables to provide the range of values for each vegetation type allowing users to quickly appraise a site by fuel stratum using an ocular estimate. When used in conjunction with the pre-treatment Guide for Quantifying Fuels in the Sagebrush Steppe and Juniper Woodlands of the Great Basin, this post-treatment Guide has the capability to aid users as they predict vegetation and fuel response to the various treatment applications, assess target conditions, set management objectives for restoration projects, choose treatments to meet objectives and determine treatment effectiveness.
The post-treatment Guide is divided into four sub-guides based on regional differences in site physiognomy and ecology: Sagebrush Steppe, Pinyon-Juniper, Utah Juniper, and Western Juniper. The Sagebrush Steppe Guide is aggregated into groups by total pre-treatment sagebrush cover and total grass cover. The Woodland Guides are separated by pre-treatment phases. Groups and phases are further subdivided by treatment. Two photos depict the range of canopy cover by life form within each group or phase and treatment.
For most applications, it is highly recommended to use this Guide in conjunction with the pre-treatment Guide.
Hard copies of the guide can be requested free of charge by calling 435-797-8455 with your name, mailing address and desired number of copies.
A PDF version of the guide is available here (33 MB).

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